Home Security

Home Security

Home security, Your home is your Castle and of great personal importance, BOX Security can Supply and Install Hard-wired and Radio-controlled, Home Security and safety Alarm Systems for you home.

When it comes to your home, we tend to pay more attention to the needs of individual’s and families, because when home security is required, accessibility and ease of use are vital.
Home security use can be very different to Business security use, with business systems, multiple users normally only require a single set system with general access.

Home Security users on the other hand may often require part settings, in order to arm the alarm system and stay in the house, for instance when you go to bed with a BOX Security alarm system, you will be able to set only the ground floor detectors, you can then sleep safe and sound upstairs.
Or you can set/arm all the out buildings, garage or windows so you can move freely around inside your home with the security of having the perimeter alarm detectors set and armed. Home-Automation is another aria of security that is becoming more accepted in today’s modern home environment, BOX Security alarm systems can seamlessly integrate with your home automation protocol enhancing the home system.

There is also little point in having a highly sophisticated alarm system that’s so complicated the end user is anxious and fearful of arming the system incorrectly and cause false alarms, an alarm system with little or no design can be a nuisance.
BOX Security alarm system’s are both highly sophisticated and designed to be reliable, problem free, simple to live with, easy to set and unset.

BOX Security can also provide Maintenance and Monitoring services for Home-automation-security, Home-security and safety alarm systems. 

Complete peace of mind 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week365 Days of the Year.

Get in touch with us today for a free home visit and typewritten short form alarm proposal.

Contact our office in Greenwich by traditional post at :

BOX Security Ltd
34 Greenwich High Road
Royal Borough of Greenwich
Side Entrance
2B Burgos Grove
SE10 8LL

Or by :

eMail :-                                              sales@boxsecurity.ltd.uk

fax at any time :-                              0208 4888777

by Phone 9-5 week days :-              0208 4888888

24 Hour Emergency Service :-         0208 4888999



Home security